3 Things That I Learned This Week

Dan Kaufman
2 min readJan 19, 2020


Each & every Sunday I spend time reflecting on my week and then planning for the week ahead.

So I wanted to share some of the top few wins & lessons for my past week.

1. Stick with It

Success doesn’t come overnight (no matter what the guru’s tell you). Will you fail? Yup. But playing the long game is by far the most unsexy way of living life. Everyone wants the flashy plays and highlight reels, yet nobody wants to see the hours upon hours of work that goes into making those clips happen.

But the fact of the matter is, even though it’s unsexy…

It works….

2. React vs respond

Reactions are instinctual. There’s no filtering process when you react in a situation — you’re running on auto-pilot. When you react, you do and say things on impulse, and don’t consider the implications of what you do or say.

A response is a deep breath, a pause, or a brief moment of mindful presence.

Responses are more thoughtful. When you respond, you first explore in your mind the possible outcomes of what you are about to say or do. You may weigh the pros and cons and consider what would be best for yourself and others in the situation.

In 10% Happier, Dan Harris discusses how meditation teaches people to respond better. “Mindfulness is the ability to recognize what is happening in your mind right now — anger, jealousy, sadness, the pain of a stubbed toe, whatever — without getting carried away by it.”

He says “You can’t control what comes up, only how you respond.”

3. Be Consistent

Consistency can be a superpower, and it should be one of yours….

The difference between those who reach their goals and those who don’t is one thing — consistency. With this superpower, they can produce extraordinary results and outcomes because they take the required actions to follow through on their goals. If you break your goals down into achievable progress points, you too can develop this superpower and begin to consistently achieve everything you want.

Have a great rest of your Sunday!



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