6 Quick Morning Routine Tips to Fuel Up Your Productivity
Let me start by saying that I am not a morning person but lately I’ve realized how much impact the morning routine has on my productivity for the day. Many successful people swear by their daily morning routine habits such as waking up early, exercising, reading, meditating, and so on.
Following a morning routine is one of the best ways to kick-start your day, recharging your body and mind, and setting yourself up for success all day long. So if you’re feeling sluggish and unproductive, it might be time to try some new things in the morning to get your train back on track.
Here are some quick tips that can help you start each day feeling more motivated and productive than ever! (if you stay consistent)
Wake Up Early
Early birds tend to be more productive for a good number of reasons. They are more focused and have fewer interruptions because our brains are more alert in the morning than at any time of the day. Being said, if you’re able to focus without interruptions early in the day, you’ll get more done.
They also tend to make better decisions because waking up early makes us think more clearly than in the afternoon or evening.
In fact, if you can drag yourself out of bed early, you’ll find that you have more energy throughout the day. You might be surprised by this, but many people have found that getting up early has helped them become more productive.
Drink a Glass of Water After Waking Up
Our bodies naturally dehydrate while we sleep. We don’t drink anything for around 7–8 hours (assuming you get enough sleep). So when we wake up in the morning, we need to rehydrate our bodies to get going for the day. If we don’t, our energy levels and brain function will be crushed and our productivity will be greatly affected.
So next time you wake up, drink a glass of water right away. You can also add a slice of lemon for an added boost on hydration and a proper kickstart of your digestive system.
Eat a Protein-Packed Breakfast
For most people, starting the day with breakfast sets a positive tone for the rest of the day. Eating a protein-packed breakfast can give you enough energy and it is one of the keys to getting your day off a solid start.
Some easy, low-prep breakfast ideas include cottage cheese, almonds, eggs, protein shakes, and Greek yogurt. The protein in these foods will help to give you staying power, ward-off cravings throughout the day, and, of course, set your body to be more productive.
Kickstart Your Day with a Proactive Mindset
The key to being proactive in your workplace starts with awareness. The more you know about what’s coming up, who it will impact, and how things could potentially go wrong, the more prepared you’ll be for the workload.
Also, if you start the day expecting that your actions will matter, then you’re more likely to actually do something productive.
I know you expect this to be listed here. Of course, exercise in the morning takes a big part in how productive your day can be.
It’s no secret that exercise can be as invigorating as a morning cup of joe, providing you with the energy you need to tackle your day. Your blood starts pumping, you start sweating, and endorphins flood your system. You feel great and energized as if you’re ready to leap tall buildings in a single bound. You’re ready for anything! Just ten minutes of exercise can get you this pumped.
Condition yourself for success by working out in the morning. Wake up, put your body to work, and get your day off to a great start.
Arrive at the Office Same Time Every Day and Stick to It
Workday procrastinators beware! If you put off a workday start, the morning light can become your nemesis.
People who work from home often let their workday start whenever they feel like it. This can be bad for your business. Whether you’re a stay-at-home parent or a home-based businessperson, you need to schedule yourself to get up and start working. It’ll be easier to be productive in the morning than at any other time of day.
Setting a daily routine is the best way to achieve work-life balance and prevent work from encroaching on your evenings, weekends and holidays.
The Takeaway
Following these 6 tips should be a good start to helping you have a productive morning, and therefore a more productive day. The key to all of this is consistency; once you stumble upon a routine that works for you, stick with it as best you can.