Friday Roundup — April 24th, 2020
Each and Every Friday — I outline a few of the articles and /or books that I have read over the last week or two that are worth taking a look at.
Principles by Ray Dalio
I have been re-reading this book over the last week, and if you haven’t read it — you honestly HAVE to. Ray Dalio, one of the world’s most successful investors and entrepreneurs, shares the unconventional principles that he’s developed, refined, and used over the past forty years to create unique results in both life and business — and which any person or organization can adopt to help achieve their goals.
This book is divided up into two parts — Life Principles and Work Principles. We don’t have time to cover both in this summary, so we are going to focus on his Life Principles, which are ultimately responsible for his work principles, anyways.
Start By Thinking For Yourself
Dalio suggests that at the crux of creating the life you want are three simple steps.
- Decide what you want.
- Decide what is true.
- Decide what you should do to achieve #1 in light of #2 with humility and open-mindedness so that you can consider the best thinking available to you.
Keep these 3 simple steps at the heart of your life journey and you will find yourself getting increasingly better at getting what you want out of life.
Go here to grab a copy of this book:
Facebook pulls back on Campaign Budget Optimization mandate
Advertisers will not be required to use CBO. In a reversal, Facebook will no longer require advertisers to use its Campaign Budget Optimization (CBO) feature in campaigns. Advertisers will have the choice to either have budgets managed at the campaign or ad set level.
Advertiser choice. “To provide advertisers with flexibility and choice in their buying strategies, we have decided not to pursue a mandatory migration for Campaign Budget Optimization (CBO),” a Facebook spokesperson said in a statement to Search Engine Land Monday. “While we still believe CBO provides performance and value gains, we will move to offering CBO as an option and not as a requirement.”
Go here to finish reading:
Be a Hell Yes to Life
So often, we reject the experience in front of us.
It’s usually out of habit, from not wanting this particular experience, not liking the discomfort or uncertainty … or really not liking the fact that we aren’t going to get what we want.
We reject the experience in front of us:
- Not liking the way other people are acting (totally justified, they’re idiots!)
- Getting mad at ourselves for messing up again (you dumbass, why are you always doing that??)
- Shutting ourselves off to the uncertainty of whatever is going on, by distracting ourselves (ugh, I just can’t)
- Complaining about other people, often just in our heads (I don’t know why they have to be that way!)
- Shutting down, wanting to exit, when things get hard (I can’t take this anymore, why does she always have to complain??)
- Avoiding the discomfort or fear of something difficult (umm, that’s too hard, I’m going to tackle email!)
This rejection of our experience is why we so often get frustrated with other people, down on ourselves, or avoid the hard things.
It’s why we have such a hard time with good habits: meditation, exercise, healthy food, writing, reading, flossing. They’re not easy, so we say no to them, even when we know we should say yes.
Go here to finish reading:
3 Habits That Can Give Your Brain a Break to Restore High-Level Thinking
The right mental breaks can replenish brain energy, increase productivity and improve your performance
The human brain is not meant to stay in “focused” mode for hours at a time. Prolonged attention to a single task can hinder its performance.
When your brain is active for a very long time, you’re actually blocking your access to the diffuse mode — a more relaxed state.
According to research, the brain gradually stops registering a sight, sound or feeling if that stimulus remains constant over time — its performance on the task declines.
Go Here to Finish Reading:
Hope you enjoyed these books and articles. Have a great rest of your Friday and have an amazing weekend!