Stuff I’m Thinking About

Dan Kaufman
2 min readDec 21, 2019


Here’s some stuff I’m currently thinking about…

These are just some of the things kicking around in my brain right now and I wanted to share them with you in case you find them interesting…

- “Most Business Owners are Price Cowards!” Dan Kennedy

Been going back through my notes from the great Dan Kennedy’s latest book — Almost Alchemy. A book I highly recommend (one of his best books). His point is that most business owners thinking about pricing their product or service are based off of ancient pricing schemes or looking at what others are doing and copying them. (which is completely wrong — lol).

- Say No more than Yes

Saying no to someone and turning down an offer, a project, etc. isn’t a bad thing (imo), yes it is a power move on your part, but it creates boundaries, gives you leverage, protects you from taking on too much (or the wrong things), and gives you more opportunity for growth

- Delegate and automate

We all know this (well most of us — lol), but what are you doing about it? Are you still going to the grocery store? You should aim to automate at least 1 thing weekly that seems to creep back into your schedule. And if you can’t automate it? Delegate it…

Hopefully you enjoyed those thoughts…



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